GOTO Night Chicago- with Amando Boncales and Ivan Nikitin of AltHash.
GOTO Nights are designed for developers who want to stay up to date with the latest tools, technologies, processes and practices in the software industry.
Subject: Exploring E-Governance Using the Blockchain Platform in Southeast Asia
Blockchain is not only used in Fintech; let’s forget about bitcoin and cryptocurrency for a moment and focus on powerful use cases where blockchain technology is used.
This discussion was about use cases in e-governance using blockchain.
The Althash E-Governance Suite can host government services ranging from citizen DApps, online voting systems, government to employee DApps, and identity management systems. E-governance, also known as “electronic governance,” aims to make government service efficient, accessible and convenient for all.
It is a secure and transparent form of record keeping that will supplement and in some cases, replace paper transactions and documentation within government agencies. Blockchain enhances government services by providing accurate information, secures official transactions without human interference, accurate official record keeping and manages authorization of documents issued to citizens.
ABOUT AMANDO R. BONCALES KR, MSEd, MA, PhDc CEO and founder of Althash Blockchain, Amando is finishing his doctoral dissertation on mobile technology at Northern Illinois University. He was recently awarded and elevated to the rank of Knight, to the first degree. The Order of the Knights of Rizal is the sole order of knighthood in the Philippines. Its ranks and insignia are recognized in the Honors Code of the Philippines as official awards of the Republic.
“Collective imagination is something I see as essential to the human experience. After all, we humans are equally imaginative, creative, and social. We want to explore and discover, but we want to do it together.”
ABOUT IVAN NIKITIN MS, MA, MBA MS In Management Information Systems; MA in Public Administration; MBA in International Business; Certified Scrum Master. Ivan is a seasoned IT professional specializing in business analysis, business process improvement and reengineering, project management, Scrum/Agile. Ivan has extensive interest in new technologies and blockchain.