Good day everyone, I would like to make an announcement about the Crex24 situation now that we have all the pieces together.
Crex24 notified us this week that they suffered a breach on one of their servers and various cryptos, including HTML were stolen.
The hackers did attempt to blackmail Crex24 after stealing the cryptos and when Crex24 did not comply the hackers proceeded to spread FUD.
I would also like to dispel some of the bullshit going around that Crex24 is exit scamming.
If that were the case they would be long gone and there would be no communication.
Crex24 have taken measures to mitigate a re-occurrence of this unfortunate incident.
They have also assured me that they have a solid plan to replace the stolen HTML.
The fact is that this planet is full of exploitative people and thieves.
I don’t believe Crex24 is a bad exchange and they do not deserve to be treated badly as they are also a victim here.
I do understand the frustration and empathize with those who have holdings which are not yet accessible.
I ask that everyone be patient and not let their emotions dictate how they react and communicate.
Causing FUD doesn’t do any good for anyone.
If Crex24 were scammers they would be long gone and would not be in communication with us.
It is not fair that the thieves get away scot-free, on that we all agree.
They are actively making the crypto-space inhospitable to satisfy their own greed.
There is no need to vent and make anything worse for Crex24 or any community.
Support goes a long way and Crex24 have ours as we appreciate their efforts to resolve our community’s frustrations caused by the hack.
Venting and creating FUD does nothing to help all those who have been stolen from.
Please feel free to join our Telegram if you wish to chat, we have a TON of awesome stuff in the pipeline.
Let’s focus on the positive and not lose sight of what is true.
Below my signing-off is the ransom message from the hackers.
Vincent Hoffmann
EVP of Community Relations for HTMLCOIN
“Dear sir,
We know you have been hacked and lost many coins. We also know that you are not sharing this information with your customers. You have been avoiding devs, customers and saying the wallets are on maintenance. These responses are all lies. We took your coins and we have proof of it. Signed wallets, Screenshots and more. We demand you to pay 25 BTC to this address within the next 48 hours.
If you do not meet or demands we will post all your info, screenshots, signed wallets, on multiple platforms and will leak everything there is to leak. We will contact the coin devs and tell them and show them proof. We took your ECA, SCAP, HTML, Birake, Bulwark, CNTX, MalwareChain, And many more.
Do not take this threat lightly, if our demands are not met we will move forward. IF the demands are met we will not share any of this information and will destroy it.”